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Samba-based Time Machine Backup

··2 mins·
Linux Macos Time-Machine Samba
Makoto Morinaga
Makoto Morinaga
A personal notebook for tech notes, coding, and system experiments.
Table of Contents

Mac provides a built-in backup feature called Time Machine. Officially, the backup destination options include:

  • External hard drives connected via USB, FireWire, or Thunderbolt.
  • Network-based Time Capsule or macOS Server.
  • External hard drives connected to an AirMac Extreme base station via USB.

In addition to these, it is possible to configure a Samba file-sharing server as a Time Machine backup destination.

A pre-existing Samba file-sharing server is required. If one is not set up yet, refer to this post for instructions on configuring a file-sharing server.

Creating a Backup Destination for Time Machine

Execute the following commands to create the directory for Time Machine backups and assign ownership to the Samba user:

sudo mkdir -p /backup/timemachine
sudo chown mkt3:mkt3 /backup/timemachine

Configuring Samba for Time Machine

Add the following configuration to /etc/samba/smb.conf:

   vfs objects = acl_xattr catia fruit streams_xattr
   fruit:metadata = stream
   fruit:encoding = native

   path = /backup/timemachine # Backup destination
   valid users = mkt3 # Samba user
   browsable = yes
   writable = yes
   fruit:time machine = yes
   fruit:time machine max size = 256G # Maximum storage size for Time Machine

Restarting Samba Service

Restart the Samba service with the following command:

sudo systemctl restart smb.service

This completes the setup of the Samba server for Time Machine.

Configuring macOS to Recognize the Time Machine Share

To ensure macOS recognizes the Time Machine share, execute the following commands on the Mac:

sudo defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
sudo tmutil setdestination smb://"username":"password"@"server_ip"/timemachine
# Replace "username", "password", and "server_ip" accordingly.
# Example: smb://mkt3:[email protected]/timemachine

Initiating Time Machine Backup

Open Menu > System Preferences > Time Machine and click Select Disk Choose the previously configured Samba share as the backup destination and click “Use Disk.”

This completes the Time Machine backup setup, and backups will be performed periodically.


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