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Installing yay on Arch Linux

··1 min·
Arch-Linux Yay
Makoto Morinaga
Makoto Morinaga
A personal notebook for tech notes, coding, and system experiments.
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Arch Linux provides the AUR (Arch User Repository), which allows users to contribute and maintain packages not available in the official repositories. This expands the availability of software significantly.

However, AUR packages require manual building and installation, which can be inconvenient. To simplify this process, several AUR helpers exist (see: AUR Helper Comparison Table).

This post details the installation and basic usage of yay, one of the commonly used AUR helpers.

Installing yay

The following commands will install yay:

git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

Basic Usage

The syntax of yay is similar to pacman.

Searching for Packages

To search for a package by keyword:

yay -Ss <keyword>

Installing Packages

To install a package found in the search:

yay -S <package-name>

Removing Installed Packages

To remove a package installed via yay:

yay -R <package-name>

Additional Commands

# Full system upgrade
yay -Syu

# Update package list
yay -Sy

# Remove a package along with its dependencies
yay -Rs <package-name>

# Remove orphaned packages
yay -Yc


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